OPSC Boys Travel Tryouts for 2016 – 2017 season

The Orchard Park Soccer Club will be holding tryouts for the 2016 – 2017 travel soccer season during the month of July 2016.  The Boys travel tryout dates for boys born from calendar year 2009 through 2001 are listed below.  All teams for boys in the U17 – U19 Division will be formed later.

The tryouts will all be held at the Orchard Park Soccer Complex located at 6909 Milestrip Road in Orchard Park.  Check-in will start at the Soccer Complex pavilion at 9:00am with tryouts running from 9:30am – 11:00am each day.


Sunday July 10th

Saturday July 23rd


US Soccer has changed the age group classifications to a calendar year format so your child’s age group may be affected.

Age Groups by birth year:

Age Division          Birth Year

  • U10 age division – 2007 & younger
  • U11 age division – 2006
  • U12 age division – 2005
  • U13 age division – 2004
  • U14 age division – 2003
  • U15 age division – 2002
  • U16 age division – 2001
  • U17 and up age division – 1998 – 2000


Please register your player prior to the first tryout.  Scroll down to the bottom of the Registration page and click “Continue”. Do not complete the uniform section, Uniform orders will be handled by the coach/team manager.

If you have any problems with the registration, please contact our Travel Registrar at travelreg@orchardparksoccer.org or our Boys Travel Coordinator at boystravelcoord@orchardparksoccer.org.

Register Here